Our flagship co poly designed to deliver maximum bite, unparalleled snapback and longer lasting playability. For players looking to grip the ball aggressively and beat their opponents with power and spin. Utilizing a single high-powered polyester filament, Zero offers players a comfortably firm ride providing both responsiveness and power. Carved into 6 edges, the hexagonal cross section of the string allows for an excellent grip on the ball. Zero's ultra slippery lubricated coating enhances string movement by reducing friction between the main and cross strings, bringing players superior snapback for an even more spin-friendly response.
String Characteristics
Retaining playability for longer with maximum bite and ultimate snapback, Zero is the perfect weapon for aggressive players looking to blow their opponents off the court.
BiteSix-sided cross section to grip the ball
SnapbackSuper-lubricated coating to allow optimal string sliding
longer lasting
playabilityChemically engineered to retain a longer lasting fresh feeling
The perfect punch
With maximum spin potential and extended playability, Zero packs the perfect punch for players looking to dictate the point with big cuts at the ball.
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Review By Time410‘s
Review By Tenncom

TennisNerd's Review
"Sometimes a new string comes along that makes you smile. Zero from ReString is such a string"